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Nigerian Networks Glo, Airtel, MTN and Etisalat Phone Prefix Numbers

Nigerian Networks Glo, Airtel, MTN and Etisalat Phone Prefix Numbers

With the current development of the mobile communication market, you will agree with me that the misunderstanding of which mobile communication network has a specific area code for phone numbers will actually increase. 

You will often see a large number of phone numbers from 0803, 0813, 0811, and other confusing combinations that might surprise you. 

In this small guide, you will learn which networks have which numbers, networks and their phone numbers.

Note: Since Nigeria introduced mobile number portability in 2013, a person can also transfer their number from any of these providers to another, so this list does not guarantee that all numbers using the above prefixes are Must be set to the same network listed.

GLO: This is the first on my list, and this is the number it covers:

0805, 0807, 0705, 0815, 0811

AIRTEL: The telecommunications company controls the following number prefixes:

0802, 0808, 0708, 0812

MTN: is the main service provider in Nigeria, covering a large number of prefixes. This is the list covered by the MTN network:

0803, 0806, 0703, 0706, 0813, 0816, 0810, 0814

ETISALAT: The network includes the following numbers listed below:

0809, 0818, 0817, 0909

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